What Do I Do If My Car is Hit By a Shopping Cart?

Picture this: You’ve just finished a productive shopping spree, loading your car with bags of groceries and retail therapy treasures. As you’re about to drive away, you notice a shopping cart hurtling toward your parked car, and before you can react, it makes contact, leaving an unfortunate dent behind. It’s a situation many of us have faced, and while it might not be as severe as a major collision, dealing with a shopping cart dent can still be a frustrating experience. So, what should you do when your car becomes an unexpected target for a runaway shopping cart? Read on for a step-by-step guide to navigate this dented dilemma.

Step 1: Assess the Damage

Before you spring into action, take a moment to evaluate the extent of the damage. Is the dent merely a minor cosmetic imperfection, or has the impact caused more significant issues like scratches, paint damage, or even structural damage? Understanding the severity of the damage will help you determine your next course of action.

Step 2: Document the Incident

Just like in any other accident situation, it’s crucial to gather evidence. Take clear photos of the dent from multiple angles, capturing the scene as accurately as possible. This documentation will be helpful when dealing with insurance claims or potential disputes 

Step 3: Find the Responsible Party

If you’re in a parking lot, try to identify the owner of the shopping cart if they’re still nearby. Sometimes, it’s simply a case of negligence on their part, and they might be willing to take responsibility for the damage caused. If they’re cooperative, exchange contact information and discuss potential solutions.

Step 4: Check for Surveillance Cameras

Many parking lots and public spaces are equipped with surveillance cameras. If you’re unable to identify the responsible party, inquire with the property manager or store owner about the availability of security footage. This footage could potentially reveal the incident and provide valuable proof for insurance purposes.

Step 5: Contact Your Insurance Company

If the damage is more than just a minor dent, it’s time to get your insurance company involved. Contact your Hertvik Insurance Agent or customer service line to report the incident. Provide them with all the relevant details, including the photos you took, a description of the incident, and any available witness statements.

Step 6: Determine Your Coverage

The next step is understanding your insurance coverage. If you have comprehensive coverage, it’s likely that your policy will cover the cost of repairs after you pay the deductible. Keep in mind that making a claim could potentially impact your insurance premium, so consider the cost of repairs versus the impact on your rates.

Step 7: Get Repair Estimates

Your insurance company might require you to obtain repair estimates from authorized auto repair shops. Visit a few reputable shops in your area to get a sense of the repair costs. Remember that you have the right to choose the repair shop you feel most comfortable with. 

Step 8: Proceed with Repairs

Once you’ve chosen a repair shop and received approval from your insurance company, you can go ahead with the repairs. Depending on the severity of the damage, this could involve paintwork, panel replacement, or dent removal techniques.

Step 9: Stay Informed

Throughout the repair process, stay in touch with the repair shop to track the progress. Make sure they address all the issues caused by the shopping cart collision and that you’re satisfied with the results.

Step 10: Prevent Future Incidents

While you can’t always prevent accidents, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of your car being hit by a shopping cart. Whenever possible, park away from cart corrals and in less congested areas. If you’re in a particularly windy location, consider parking near a barrier or building to shield your car from runaway carts.

Dealing with a shopping cart dent might be an inconvenience, but with the right approach, it’s a problem that can be resolved. By following these steps, you can navigate the process of repairs and insurance claims with confidence, ensuring that your car is back to its pristine condition in no time.